Mitsubishi Electric in Spain
- MELCO IBÉRICA, S.A. was settled in Madrid where there were carried out several projects for the company RENFE and for the Barcelona Subway (lines 1 and 3), including sales activities and maintenance services. Until 1981 more than 300 electric locomotives were supplied and, from 1978 to 1991, more than 850 electric trains.
- MELCO IBÉRICA, S.A. opens a new office in Barcelona, the second of Spain.
- MELCO IBÉRICA, S.A. acquires the total shares of MABEL, S.A., at that time Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's consumer products distributor.
- MELCO IBÉRICA, S.A. receives the rights to sell Air Conditioning equipments from the former distributor and starts with direct sales to the market.

- A new sales office is established in Valencia with its own warehouse.

- MELCO IBÉRICA, S.A. transfers all its rights of exploitation, including all its assets and liabilities, to MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE, B.V. creating MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V., Spanish Branch.
- A new sales office is established in Sevilla to be closer to its customers in the Southern area of Spain.

- VIS Division of MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V., Spanish Branch designs and manufactures the DIS710, which integrates a Mitsubishi Electric's camera.

- Mitsubishi Electric sponsors for the first time the concerts series "El Primer Palau".
- A new sales office is established in Álava.

- Mitsubishi Electric obtains ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications.
- A new sales office is established in Palma de Mallorca.

- The former Madrid sales office is moved to San Fernando de Henares.

- Mitsubishi Electric obtains EMAS certification.

- A new sales office is established in Bilbao to be closer to its customers in the Northern area of Spain and the training centers of Madrid and Barcelona are inaugurated.

- The European Photo Printing Solutions Business is centralized in MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V., Spanish Branch.
- Mitsubishi Electric organises the first edition of the Three Diamond Awards, rewarding the most efficient climatization projects.

- Expansion of Madrid office.